Wednesday, December 19, 2007

My fascination with trainwrecks

So today's news is that Britney Spears' little sister is pregnant. I don't know what is wrong with these prima donnas. Can't they afford birth control?

I'm amazed at how I follow the Spears trainwrecks, Katie Holmes (there's another girl I expect to hear go off the deep end in a few years), Lindsey Lohan and other young women wrecking their lives. Every time there's a story about the disaster of the week, I can't help but read and ponder--money really doesn't make people happy. And fame just freaks out insecure women.

What will the headlines be in ten years--will we remember who these women were? Will they be around and will anyone care? Why do I care now?

I'm curious to find out what Jaime Lynn names her kid. Will we hear a bizarre name--will it be a spice, a color, a made up name or what?


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